It is important to not rely solely on one type of marketing. Don’t put all your efforts into creating an awesome Facebook page or into great instagram photos. Try to keep your marketing diverse, this way you ensure the maximum reach and a balanced approach to getting in front of new and returning customers. Here are some creative ways to keep and make your restaurant stand out using offline marketing channels:
- Community events and engagement; try sponsoring a local soccer team or maybe a local run for charity. Golf tournaments, runs, marathons, community carnivals and fairs are all great ways to get involved and to get in front of customers. These events also present a great way to give back to your community, which is mutually beneficial.
- Local food shows and markets; try setting up a stand at your local farmers market or a stand at a food or music fes
tival. THis will allow you the opportunity to interact with a wide range and high volume of customers in a fun environment. THis will also help you create and establish yourself and image within the community.
- Contests and promos; asking people to combine on and offline platforms is engaging as well. We previously mentioned contests, but these are a great marketing tactic to promote and generate business.
- Swag and apparel; making fun t shirts, hats, toques, sweaters and other merchandise and apparel is a great way to generate more revenue but also to increase your visibility in the community. It will also help your guests and customers feel like they are part of a larger community.
- Radio; radio ads are actually still a very relevant way to get your brand and your restaurant out there. THink of the number of local commuters or those in shops, malls and offices that have the radio on and at their disposal.
Creative offline ways to market your restaurant